Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Possible New Look for New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Flick?

This pic was taken from the story on Fused Film's site, which informed readers that this may in fact be the new look for the TMNT in the upcoming flick.

It was quickly debunked however, saying this was a student's art project done at Tom Savini's school.

At first I didn't dig the look at all, but the more I see and study (I'm a gigantic TMNT fan/nerd) the pic, it grows on me. If the face looked less aged and more muscular, I would be completely down! I love the tattered headband as well, as it makes it look like the turtles found them as opposed to sewing them themselves.

Not sure what the stati of this movie is as of now, what with Nickelodeon purchasing the rights to the name late last year. It was originally proposed that it they would be returning to their roots by going back to live action and in the same vein as Batman, Superman, and the upcoming Spider-man, starting the story fresh.

Then it was reported that the other characters would be live action, but the turtles would be CGI, which seemed a little "iffy", but now the idea of live action turtles with CGI heads is being tossed around, and is cool enough for me.

I still cannot wait! I don't want to get all fanboy up in here. Can it touch the original? Maybe not, but I also thought Batman Begins wouldn't be that great as well, and look how amazing that series became.

I watched Turtles 1 last weekend, and it still holds up - I still think they could get away using the exact same costumes, but I realize that it's been twenty years and some updated costumes are most likely high priority.

I'll definitely be posting more on this situation as the deets become available.



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