Friday, April 23, 2010


Today is the day. 7ish more hours at work and then I meet James, have some eats, beers and laughs (not sure of the exact order) and then see probably my favorite existing band (neck n' neck with Relient K)....OK GO!

The summer of 2002 was the first time I had heard the wonderous vocals and saw the video for 'Get Over It' on MTV2 and I was hooked ever since.

This performance tonight marks the 4th time I have seen Mr. Damian Kulash and the gang in action, here are some brief recounts of the first three:

April 5th, 2005:
I woke up that morning from a phone call from my Aunt, informing the family my Uncle Mike had suffered a heart attack. Things went from bad to horribly worse when we found out that he had died from said heart attack.
Needless to say I spent the rest of the day with my family, who encouraged me to attend the show, as a coping mechanism; a way to temporarily take my mind off of things.
Noel, Justin and I were originally set to see this show together, but Justin couldn't make it, so it was just Noel and I.
These were the days of part-time working, so to say funds were lacking for me, was putting it mildly.
We set sail to Toronto, and after purchasing our GO tickets, we were down to our final five dollars. Now, obviously being the semi-responsible dudes you see before you today, it's safe to say we kept that five dollars, in case we need a (2-second) cab ride for later, right?
WRONG! We blew that fin on Hot Dogs like they were the last 2 of their kind.
Now that our hunger issue was rectified, it came to our attention that we literally had no idea of the coordinates of the venue, which was El Mocambo. Turns out, we were about an hour walk away, no problem for two young twenty-somethings.
We made it finally and sat in the club and saying there were forty people there would be generous. I saw the band setting up, and should have said hey, but I was feeling pretty bummed. I hoped there would be another chance.
The set was amazing, they played a lot of songs we didn't know off their upcoming record, 'Oh No.'
Some songs resonated with me that night, because of the situation with my uncle; two in particular. 'Let It Rain', which was from the new album, and I couldn't really make out most of the vocals, but the chorus struck a chord within me and when I actually heard the album that fall, it came full circle to how it actually related to the situation. And, 'Return', off of their debut album, finishes with the line, "and you, you were supposed to grow old. Reckless, unfrightened and old, you were supposed to grow old." Crazy stuff.
Things took a crazier turn when the clock struck 11:30pm. OK GO was still rocking out, but I mentioned to Noel the last bus left in an hour and we may not make it. Noel quelled my fears and assured me we would make it and to just enjoy ourselves. The set finished up minutes later, and we raced to the terminal cheetah style. Noel said if we didn't make it, we could just sleep in the bus terminal. Maybe it was the hot dog making a comeback, but that idea didn't sit well with me.
We made it though, but we had to cab from downtown Hamilton to Noel's Mom's and have her meet us at the door with cabfare. I wish I could say that's the dumbest thing we have ever done, but alas, not even close.
It did take my mind off of things temporarily, what with the no cash, almost stranded, and a huge sense of misdirection, but a great time with an even greater pal!

March 2006:
Noel and I didn't have to stray too far this time, nor were we anywhere near as poverty stricken when he headed to the Undergound in our native Hamilton. Joined by Noels fiance, Randi and our pal, James.
Great set, and James and I met Tim Nordwind, and tried to get a picture with him, but our attempt was thwarted by the dim lighting inside the place.
We were near the back, and Damiam, the lead singer made his way to the bathroom. My insisting we wait to say hey when he emerged from the bathroom was met with apathy and disgust from my party, but he came out, James and I said hey and that they were awesome, and he replied with a simple but rad, "thank you, sirs." Amazing time!

June 2007:
Not too much of note here. They opened for the Fray at the Molson Ampitheatre in Toronto. Pretty solid set, playing a few new jams!

A lot has happened from 2002 to current. OK GO has 3 full-length records out, as well as some EP's, and they have a Grammy on their shelf at home, not to mention several successful videos that get millions of hits on Youtube and has even been parodied by the Simpsons.
I think it's cool seeing a person, or a collective ensemble change and mature over the years. And how I have as well growing heading into my twenties listening to them.

They are on more of a roll than ever and tonight I will raise a beer (or 9) in tribute of OK GO, and what they represent, and what they represent to me.



PS - If you have never heard, rarely listen to, or need a refresher course on why OK GO is so "ill" as the kids say (how's THAT for street cred.) here is some required listening:

-Get Over It (OK GO)
-What To Do (OK GO)
-Here It Goes Again (Oh No)
-A Good Idea At The Time (Oh No)
-Let It Rain (Oh No)
-Rock And Roll Suicide - David Bowie Cover (You're Not Alone Feat. Bonerama)
-This Too Shall Pass (Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky)
-White Knuckles (Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky)
-I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe (Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky)

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