Thursday, October 14, 2010

OK GO x 5!

Tonight will mark the 5th time I have seen OK GO, making them the band I have seen the most shows of!

Relient K comes in 2nd with 3 times (hopefully 4 this winter)

OK GO have become famous, and even Grammy award winners for their brilliant, well-crafted music videos. A lot of people just dig them because of this...Does this bother me? No, why should it? I'm not even in the band, haha. I love their music and their videos are just bonuses for me! Gosh, these dudes are cool!

OK GO from Bait & Tackle on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. We agree on many things (wrestling, video games, the Leafs, wrestling) but our musical tastes are about as opposite as they get. Enjoy the show, though.
