Friday, July 23, 2010

Sushi is ichiban (#1)...

in my books! Seriously, it's high on the list of Steve's favorite cuisines right now!

Before dating Katie, I was only privy to Metro-style Sushi (Don't get me wrong, I mean no disrespect to the fine sushi rollers of Metro) but I'd yet to experience restaurant Sushi!

That all changed in November 2008 when Katie (a Sush verteran) and I frequented an establishment and fast foward to now, it's become almost a monthly occurance...we've even tried making our own!

The best all-around is Go Tempura, located on James and Cannon (I think/hope) in Hamilton and they have 3 sweet dragon rolls (which may or may not contain REAL dragon!)

Katie loves the spicy salmon, which is rad. My fancy is the crispy spicy!


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