Ok, severe geek-out about to commence in 3, 2, 1...
Now anyone that has ever spent even an hour with me is likely to know that I am a wrestling enthusiast/historian/nerd to the utmost degree. I actually even wrestled during most of my teenage/early-adult life!
Prior to that, my love for the fakest sport ever (my brother's too) was crafted in the living room of our Grand-parents house during the 80's with Saturday Night's Main Event and WWF Superstars broadcasts. It quickly became an obsession circa 1996-2000 when we never missed a WWF Pay-per-view at our Uncle Mike's.
While I will never likely see myself as big a fan as those periods, it is however Wrestle-Mania season, therefore, I become the equivalent of a 9-year old girl at a Justin Bieber performance!
This year is going to be crazy-good, as we are under 6-weeks away for the event, which takes place in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday, March 28 and the card is taking shape!
Christian has already enterted the Money In The Bank match-up and unless CM Punk or Triple H enter/bring the ruckus, Cap. Charisma is my odds on fave to snatch the briefcase and the ability to cash-in his title shot whenever he chooses (I am also going out on a limb by predicting this years MITB winner cashes in the same night, at Mania.) I also would like to see Kofi, John Morrison and Evan Bourne in this match as well!
Randy Orton, whom I believe maybe the closet thing to this generations Stone Cold Steve Austin, is in the midst of a blow-out with Legacy members Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. Whether this is a 3-way* remains to be seen!
*3 participants in the same match, get yer head outta the gutter!
While I normally don't go out of my way to go bananas for a John Cena and/or Dave Batista match, this year could be the exception to my really non-existent/rarely enforced rule. With Bret Hart and Vince McMahon in the mix, and possible entrants into a match with these 2, could make some very interesting interactions!
Edge and Chris Jericho are embroiled in a heated rivalry that is set to culminate on the biggest stage in wrasslin' - with Jericho's World Championship at stake.
Now anyone that has ever spent even an hour with me is likely to know that I am a wrestling enthusiast/historian/nerd to the utmost degree. I actually even wrestled during most of my teenage/early-adult life!
Prior to that, my love for the fakest sport ever (my brother's too) was crafted in the living room of our Grand-parents house during the 80's with Saturday Night's Main Event and WWF Superstars broadcasts. It quickly became an obsession circa 1996-2000 when we never missed a WWF Pay-per-view at our Uncle Mike's.
While I will never likely see myself as big a fan as those periods, it is however Wrestle-Mania season, therefore, I become the equivalent of a 9-year old girl at a Justin Bieber performance!
This year is going to be crazy-good, as we are under 6-weeks away for the event, which takes place in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday, March 28 and the card is taking shape!
Christian has already enterted the Money In The Bank match-up and unless CM Punk or Triple H enter/bring the ruckus, Cap. Charisma is my odds on fave to snatch the briefcase and the ability to cash-in his title shot whenever he chooses (I am also going out on a limb by predicting this years MITB winner cashes in the same night, at Mania.) I also would like to see Kofi, John Morrison and Evan Bourne in this match as well!
Randy Orton, whom I believe maybe the closet thing to this generations Stone Cold Steve Austin, is in the midst of a blow-out with Legacy members Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. Whether this is a 3-way* remains to be seen!
*3 participants in the same match, get yer head outta the gutter!
While I normally don't go out of my way to go bananas for a John Cena and/or Dave Batista match, this year could be the exception to my really non-existent/rarely enforced rule. With Bret Hart and Vince McMahon in the mix, and possible entrants into a match with these 2, could make some very interesting interactions!
Edge and Chris Jericho are embroiled in a heated rivalry that is set to culminate on the biggest stage in wrasslin' - with Jericho's World Championship at stake.
And finally, what got me the most stoked is the newly announced match of Shawn Michaels versus the Undertaker, in a rematch of last years Mania match of the night, and subsequent best match of 2009!
Undertaker is putting his streak of 17-0 Wrestle-Mania wins against Shawn Michaels storied 25 year plus career! No amount of text or hype I can type can properly do this match, nor my excitement for it, justice.
Does that make me a bad writer? I think so...
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